Individual Therapy
Therapy for adults interested in learning more about their intra-personal, relationship, and/or behavioral patterns. Therapeutic services aid in depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, OCD, or other areas of concern.
Individual counseling also includes trauma-focused therapy designed to help adults move forward from painful, traumatic or abusive experiences. Learn the link between unresolved trauma and present day concerns such as depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, hurtful relationships, codependency issues, and unwanted chaos.
Services provide support in improving relationships, social skills, stress management, and gaining insight.
EMDR Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, & Anger
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy helpful in treating distressing events, complex trauma, PTSD, and other concerns. EMDR relieves present day symptoms by changing the way in which traumatic experiences or memories are stored in our system.
EMDR has a “neutralizing” effect on stressful or highly reactive responses that stem from ancient history. Freedom!